Thursday, February 21, 2013

This week I suffered from serious lack of excitement and inspiration. So I did Maya tutorial practice from various websites. Specifically the first image is from a modular environments site, since environments is what I am most interested in. I feel a little weird posting things that I almost copy-modeled, but the practice wasn't bad I guess. :] 

Then the wellspring of inspiration REALLY ran dry so I made a derpy robot out of primitives. Probably one of the stupidest models I've done in... ever... but honestly it helps to just sit on Maya for a half hour every day and try something.

And finally since last week we covered UVing, I figured posting my texturing homework that I've been working on this week, (since work and life is trying to suck up my time again!) wouldn't be a bad idea. The scene was given to me by another teacher, but I was working on getting my UVs to be tigher. This is definitely an IN PROGRESS view. :] I was trying to keep it to three maps, but keep the details really high since it is a texture painting class, I want to be able to really explore painting in fake ambient occlusion.

So thats this week. Next week I'm hoping to find the time and inspiration to maybe model something from a game I love. But just derping around in Maya is not getting me much in the way of forward. </3

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